Sunday, September 11, 2011

the last few weeks....

Well here we are! We made it! I never thought this month would come but here it is!

Slight recap of the past few weeks:

Mike Moved! = no more Athey kids at home!

Mike started school= getting back into the grove

Kati Moved + moving drama with old roomate= Mike saw a new side of me :-/

Mike - weight=Mike bought size 34 jeans! He looks so good!

Invitations + getting addresses + stuffing= no date nights

Graduation from the 720 program at NHI +  my mother actually showing up= tears but I found out how many people are on my side

Student Services Award + Graduate with Honors + Letters of Excellence + Student of the Month= Being a Teaching Assistant BEFORE I graduated

Ambition+ Drive+ a very supportive Husband ( we will be married when I start the program) = Advanced Neuromuscular Program (400 more hours of school)

It has been a rough couple weeks, but we are growing closer and I cant wait to get sealed to-and start my life with- such a wonderful man!