Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Things dont go the way you want them. thats life. it sucks.

HOWEVER ...... if you take a step back and look beyond the pain that is in front of our face you may see what blessings are being bestowed upon you.

The past couple days, I have been sick. It started with a cough, went to my sinuses (like all my bad colds do) and it turned into me having violent coughing attacks- coughing up chunks of mucus from my lungs. Yes, CHUNKS. gross. uck.

I was able to stop coughing just long enough to receive  a blessing. An hour later my lungs felt clear but my nose was running non stop. Although I felt worse, I know I will get better faster than if I hadn't had the blessing done.

So, in short, I am thankful for the blessings and how cruddy I feel right now. I know it will get better.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, if you take a step back you can see the blessings. I think the hard part for me is well, doing both taking the step back and recognizing the blessings. I am sorry you were sick but I am glad you are on the mend and now I hope feel great! I'm glad I will get to see you soon.
    Michelle (Mikey's sis)
