Tuesday, July 19, 2011

87- so the countdown begins! :D

Time is ticking and the faint echo of wedding bells are now able to be heard in the distance.

When Mike and I looked at our countdown this weekend it said 89 days until our marriage... Our response: "When did it get under 100?" hahaha

It seems so unreal that in  few months I will be married to Mike, the love of my life. CRAZY!

This weekend, I felt. was one of those defining moments for us... it was very stressful and we worked together as a team so well. I was stressed because my mother gave me my car for my birthday ( with a bunch of strings including registering, transferring the title and getting insurance in a few days ( amongst the issues with my license) right when we were going to deal with the insurance my roommate franticly called with an issue and so I had to deal with that while Mike talked to AAA.  I am so grateful that he did that for me! We ended up both getting off the phone within 10 seconds of eachother and immediately  I felt: " we CAN do this!" :) Such a great feeling!

On Saturday we took our engagement photos and the photographer (an old friend of mine) kept saying: " well you two have the 'happy couple' look down!" she explained to us that a bunch of couples that she has done wedding and engagement photos for ... don't seem happy. HOW SAD! And probably why there is a over 50% divorce rate! We giggled, swooned and acted like dorky engaged folk :) It was fun! I cant wait to see the pictures! The girls ( twins) are very artistic and have a knack for portraying the feeling of the moment :)

Side note: I reach 500 hours with my program on Monday! You know what that means...........................
 ( no? well im going to tell you if you...)


which means I CAN APPLY FOR JOBS!!!!!

Before I can officially send in my application for the certification, I have to be fingerprinted... Yay for being in the "system"lol


JULY: Certification & job hunt
AUGUST:Mike moves, Mike starts school, I move
SEPTEMBER: I graduate and start freaking out about the wedding ;)
OCTOBER: Endowment and Wedding! Then I think it will be a good time to take a breath!


  1. Yay!!!!! Good job guys! You can do this because you guys are amazing. I'm super excited!!

  2. AWESOME!!!!! I'm so excited, so are my boys :)

  3. October--Take a breath!!! hahahaha! Maybe we can all take a breather from time to time.

    We are excited! The actual "getting married" stuff can be stressful because you are doing a lot of out-of-the-ordinary things and all you really want to do is BE married and get used to living together and how you each take turns doing things for each other and with each other.

    89 days and counting! It will be great!!

    We are looking forward to it :)!!
