Friday, May 6, 2011


Something that I have noticed since I have joined the church are the whispered and profound affirmations everyday in my life. These little events, thoughts, actions and passing glances of where I am in my life and where I am supposed to be headed. This is a HUGE blessing because before.... I would stress myself out thinking about the options and wondering who I was supposed to be. Now- I dont worry about who I am SUPPOSED to be but the person I am. The past has an effect on how you see the world and your decision making, but it doesn't DEFINE you.  I have found that I follow my heart and whispering of the spirit way more than I used to. For this, I am so thankful!

Example of these affirmations:

We all know that a few weeks ago Mike added a profound piece of jewelry to my collection ;)
I love him so much and I honestly cant explain every reason why but I know I am supposed to be with him and he constantly affirms our relationship, our love and the path we are on. The biggest example was the Sunday after we got engaged. we went to tell my parents and there was a huge amount of tension, words were exchanged but Mike supported me, and refused to leave my side. It was a trying time for us and it made us so much stronger than I could have imagined.... AND WE ARENT EVEN MARRIED YET! I cant wait to see what life has in store for us!

School/ Work:
I am in a very cool program at the National Holistic Institute. I will be graduating in September with a degree in Massage Therapy and Health Education. I love this work. I have been told by my teachers, classmates and professional athletes ( I actually had a job offer to work on pro triathletes if I were to move to LA) that I am very talented. I only started to realize that I am good at this work... mostly because so many people have told me but also the honor that I was asked to be one of two Tutors in our new Tutor program. The other girl that they selected is about to graduate and I have barely reached the midpoint. I am helping my first tutoree in material that I learned in college but have not officially been taught in the program at my school. The faith that my teachers and campus manager have in me has boosted the faith I have in myself. It is an honor to be in the program and to help others succeed. :)

In short... I love the whisperings and cues of the Spirit that affirm that I am where I need to be and on the right path :D

now if something can be done about my throat... jk


  1. : ) That is all I can say in response.

  2. throat? ;) ... Kati you are awesome. Hold onto those forever and never forget!

  3. I love you! You are an amazing woman! I'm so glad Mike has got himself together and snagged you. :) You will continue to have incredible affirmations like this your whole life... it's pretty cool when it happens. And it gets you through the times when you wonder if you are doing it right. xo

  4. Michelle- I have had a bad sore throat for over a week. :P

    Jen- Thank you. I honestly dont feel that strong. Mike saw me at a pretty weak point this last weekend. It amazes me how he knows exactly what to do, and what I need at that point. I wish everyone could see him like I see him. Until then... we will just keep pressing forward.

  5. ( my comment was deleted somehow)

    Jen-Thank you! I am " stronger than I look and weaker then I let show" Mike has seen me in some pretty weak and vulnerable states recently (with everything going on) and how he reacts and how he knows exactly what to do has also been an affirmation. :) I love him so much!

    Michelle: sore throat... I had a great frog impression ;)
